Monday 24 November 2008

My Happy List

It has been indicated that people think I should be updating my blog. And they are right. The thig is - I don't know what to write about. So I thought I'll just tell you about all the little things that made me happy lately. As inspired by Colins "bad things list", please welcome here my "good things list"

- Going to the Lake District. I did take some pictures but I can't load them on the PC at work. Just take my word for it, it was lovely. We left Southend friday night and drove to Birmingham. Because of my silly legs I was treated like a princess (or a bit like a dog who needs walkies all the time) but I was given loads of legroom which was nice. We slept in a travellodge wich was really nice except for some reason the rooms we were given were on opposite sides of the hotel. Even on different floors. So I had the nice room and Tracy and Andy had the loud room. After that we drove up to Windermere which was just absolutely breath taking. We went on the boat and drove around all the cute little villages while Tracy kept chasing sheep to take pics. Apparently sheep don't appreciate being on Facebook, they all ran off which was funny for Andy and me in a nice warm car. Not sure Tracy thought all that running was great though. My favourite part of the whole weekend was when we walked up to the waterfall - it was so much like home! I got a bit carried away and started skipping and left the Peases to explain to the shocked tourists that I wasn't British. On our way back we stopped at Lynley and Stephen for food and a tour of the hall in Manchester, which was really lovely. They now say the 'all, experience 'ealing and eat pies - nothing else but pies.

-The Singing Company. Although I am convinced (and with me many others, I'm sure) that there would be more suitable people to lead a kids section in the army than me I have decided that I'm really happy doing it. I only decided that last sunday. The kids sang out greatly and they got applauded twice, firstly for the song and then because they did so well being only 4 of them (3 kids and Louise). I even got some (very small) smiles out of them, which was lovely and made me feel a bit like some weird old proud grandma - which most of them probably think I am anyway. After that I just walked away which left tha kids unsure about what to do and the poor group just stood there on the platform while the leader had fled back o the saftey of being hidden in my seat. OOOOPS!

-My Cornet. I'm sorry to be very off-show-ish here but a couple of weeks ago the Cornet section was highly diminuished. As it happenes there were only 2 of us, and one of us was feeling ill, leaving me to play the tune by myself. And I did it. It was an easy tune with no high notes, I knew it well and you may think that there is nothing special to it and absolutely everybody could do it. And of course you are right thinking that. But those of you who have ever been to a bandpractise where I played know that, as soon as my part would be remotely audible, I just stop playing and start smiling at Keith. Because, well, I figure if people could hear what I play they'd realise that I can't play at all. And that is why I'm quite pleased about having stood my ground and played out my guts.

-My home. I have not been home very often over the last few days and I find that coming into my flat now truly feels like coming home. It is the best place on earth. Of course its a pitty that this best place is far away from some other very nice places and people but it feels truly like the place where I wanna keep the fridge clean and make sure the towels get washed every week.

-Hot Chocolate. I can't imagine that one could need any further information about this point but a little tip: Try the hot chilly/cinamon one. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

-Guitar Hero. If ever I have too much money and am bored enough to spend it on a game it would be this one.

-And my one spiritual growth point for this month: Forgiveness. I realised that there are 3 kinds of people who hurt you. Those who happened to be part of a missunderstanding of some sorts and who are usually quite easily forgiven. Those who are shallow and don't realise as to how they make you feel, and they are usually easly forgiven because it wouldn't be worth the hassle otherwise. And those who are hurting themselves (themselfs???). Knowing that makes it all loads easier, doesn't it.

-ALOVE. We had a great evening, thanks to all of those who gave their time to come and be part of it.

And some others, like jazzy christmas music, friends wanting to come over to see me, heels that get stuck in gutters minutes before I should be ready to march, dresses that still fit, stormy seafronts and snow on the roofs. All good and ready for Christmas!


Liz said...

Anna , I love you!

Colin Machan said...

Keep on keeping positive!


Anonymous said...

So glad we made the happy list. You are welcome here anytime, whatever the weather.