Sunday, 20 April 2008'll succeed at last...

This is just a quicky update about all the very dramatic changes in my professional life over the last few weeks. It all begann with, well, sending out CV's. Surprisingly enough, nobody was inetersted in a Swiss Person, how ever much I pushed the fact that I DO speak fluent swiss.

Well, there was this one company that was really interested. They found me trough an agency and the fact that my swiss is rather good seemd to be quite important. The pay seemd allright and they said that moving to Reading sounded much worse than it acctually would be and that they were sure that Id find new friends easily... I tried to explain that Ive only just moved here (although to some of you it seems that ive been tormenting you for ages, its no more than 1.5 years). I had to give them a definate NO when they mentioned that they were looking for a salesperson to sell wine to Switzerland. The womam on the phone explained that I didnt have to drink it to sell it...she wasnt all that convincing.

Anyway, I kept sending CV's to agencies and I had the odd inetrview, even one with an agency where the girl who was supposed to test my german didnt speak german... she just ticked the box where it said "fluent". I suprised the girl who was supposed to test my french by saying real stupid things like: Toujours quand je vois le gehrkin mon coeur commence a battre tres tres fort! (everytime I see the gehrkin my heart starts beating really hard, that being the answer to the question: How much do you like London and how likely is it for you to become homesick and go back home...she didnt have any further questions).

After all that hassle I was ordered into my bosses office to be informed that I had the choice between being promoted to acting manager for the next couple of months, this promotion inclueding a payrise and a workinghours rise, or to remain assistant manager and do loads of overtime over the next few weeks without the was a tough one and therefor I wasnt given any time to think about it.

I kept applying to everything I saw, including a position at SAGIC (Salvation Army General Insurance Coorporation Ltd) in Love Lane, London, near Fenchurch Street. I was invited for an Interview that took 2 hours and after that I was so exhausted that even had to say no to shopping. Bad bad.

I didnt hear from SAGIC, and decided to look elsewhere. Abbott estate Agent were looking for someone, and a copy of my CV found its way into their office (and apparently their hearts...LOL). The very next day I had a call t fix a date for an interview, a few days later the job was offered to me during the interview, which was rather surprising. I said I hadnt expected such a quick answer, if I could please have some thinking time. The position was in Thorpe Bay, 10 Minutes walking from Ninas house.

Only a few hours before the guy from Abbotts was supposed to call to hear my decision (which would have been "Yes" as there was nothing else around) I checked my emails to find that SAGIC was offering me the position! AAAAAAAAAAAAarrrrrrrrrrgggghhhh, why do they do that to me, the officially most indecisive person in the world???

Anyway, after talking to a lot of people who all were very helpfull (I dont wanna give an opinion on this one because I dont wanna influence you was part of all the conversations I had about the topic)I decided to go for the SAGIC job. I the called my boss and the area manager, who instantly offered me my own shop (who wants to be manager? You are working even when your off, everytime your phone rings you jump and think: what now??). I said that unfortunatley I wasnt interested and was then offered to be transfered to the BHF Headoffice if the only reason I wanted to leave was the money. Thanks, but no thanks.

So this is just to let you know: YYYYYYYEEEEYYYYY, I got a job. The excitment heleped me trough the tough time of Max's death (my cornet, even Paul and Darren couldnt safe him). My new Cornet is scotish and is called McGregor. He just looks the part.